Is it a wise then to ask the opinion of the woman of the household when it comes to colour schemes? Perhaps by doing this you will be able to bring about a feminine touch to the bedroom you are considering decorating or remodelling. Let us consider for a moment there is possibly no way a man would think of using the colour pink, it is not a colour that will come to a man's mind when he's considering decorating a room. But at the same time a woman would consider decorating a room in pink, this is where more often than not compromises have to be made.
This is not as stereotypical as it sounds and I certainly don't imply that all households have this problem, nor do I forget that some of the most influential interior designers are men! However, when we talk about interior design ideas in the average home it's the woman who takes the lead – please tell if I'm wrong!
One idea is to use a colour combination which merges colours which are considered male and female. For example, hot pink curtains coordinated with a steel grey rug would look stunning and bridge the gap effectively between what men and women want in their home.